Creative Non-Fiction:
Limit: 2 single spaced stories or essays
Word count: no more than 1500 words
Times New Roman
Font size: 12

IMPORTANT: Please submit each of your pieces as separate submissions. Please name the title of your submission the same as the title of your piece. Do not send us one-word document of all  of your pieces. It makes the editing process easier if your work is submitted this way. Thanks : ) Please remember, we go through many submissions; take pride in your work, polish stories and poems to be publication-ready. We will not fix your spelling or grammar errors; all work is published as-is.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Do not include your name in the document or document! Our editors view submissions blind, and Submittable already tells us it's yours.

A cover letter is not necessary.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.